Friday 13 July 2012

How to build your list - earn 300$ per day

Why Should I Build a List?

“The money is in the list”. A list of potential customers is very important for business. Finding new customers can be very hard. With the list you can sell your products and services again and again to those potential customers. If you are new to internet marketing, then it is very important to build a list. An email list allows you to make money again and again.

Choosing an Auto responder Email Provider
One of the first things you will need to do is sign up with an autoresponder email service. An autoresponder allows you to capture and store your subscribers details and then send emails out to them. There are many provider choices out there.

Setting Up Your List
Now create a list by login to your auto responder account. Fill out all the info that requires to build a list.

Create a Free Gift
In order to persuade people to opt in to your mailing list you need to provide them with some sort of incentive to do so. This could be a product such as an eBook/report, video, short course etc. It could also be something as simple as you creating a monthly email newsletter packed full of information.
Your free item must be something good. Just because you are giving it away for free doesn’t mean that it can be any old thing. People are very protective about their email address and in order for them to share it with you they really have to want what you are giving away.
Your freebie can either be a product you have created yourself from scratch, or it could be something you have outsourced.

Choosing a topic
Your choice of topics is extremely important because it is what will persuade people to want your product. You should ask yourself the question “what do people in my niche really want to know?”
To find out what people in your niche want to know, you just need to do a bit of research. Here are few places to look.

A great place to start is the Clickbank Marketplace. Go to and then click on ‘Marketplace.’ Once you are there select the niche you are interested in and browse through some of the information products which are already for sale. Look at which products are the most popular in your niche and borrow ideas from them. You shouldn’t copy them but there is nothing wrong with creating an information product on the same or a similar topic.

Build Your Squeeze Page
A squeeze page is a simple one page website which explains what you are giving away. It has an opt-in box where people can enter their name and email address to receive your freebie.

Build Your One Time Offer (OTO) or Upsell
This is a great way to monetize the list building process. The purpose of building a list is to build long term relationships with subscribers but there is nothing wrong with making a bit of money right away.

Build Your Download Page
Next, you need to create a download page so that when people have opted-in they can download your freebie.
Once someone has opted-in and confirmed their subscription they will be taken to your page where they can download their free product. You should also put a link to your download page in the first email of your autoresponder follow-up sequence, just in case they missed the link the first time.
A download page can be as simple as a box containing the following:
Thanks, Here is Your Download and a link to the download page.

Drive Traffic To Your Squeeze Page
Once everything is setup and you are ready to start accepting new subscribers you need to decide how you will be driving traffic to your squeeze page.

I wish you much success – Happy list building!


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